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Giacomo Firpo, Director’s Assistent, musicologist

Giacomo Firpo was born in Genoa in 1988.

He has studied at the University of Pavia (Musicology Department of Cremona) and has a Master Degree in Musicology with distinction and with Prof. Michele Girardi as mentor of his thesis, which focuses on Karol Szymanowski’s King Roger (title: King Roger: the agonizing conquest of  an identity). Subsequently, his scientific research led him to study the reception of Monteverdi’s music in the 20th century, and he has appeared in international conferences as lecturer, such as The making of a Genius: Claudio Monteverdi from Cremona to Mantua (Cremona, 7-10 June 2017). His lecture – “Il Tricentenario Monteverdiano del 1943: fra ansie neoromantiche e revival dell’antico” – focuses on the celebrations of Monteverdi’s Death Anniversary in Cremona under the political and ideological context of fascist Italy.

Mr. Firpo took part in various musical festival activities in Cremona as program notes writer and concert organizer (Schumann Piano Forum, October-December 2014; Zefiro Baroque Orchestra and Mahler Chamber Orchestra concerts for Monteverdi Festival and Teatro Ponchielli respectively, 2015-2016).

Currently he is both school teacher in Italy and musicologist for the ICPO in Switzerland; he is specialized on late-romantic and 20th century music, in particular of french and slavic composers; his interests extend also on a wide spectrum of composers of 20th century Italy (the so called “Novecento Italiano”).